With an estimated 2.5 million tonnes of plastic packaging being used in the UK every year[i], reducing plastic is a key priority for eco-conscious producers and consumers. According to Kantar, 25% of consumers are extremely concerned about plastic packaging, with 42% wanting manufacturers to prioritise making packaging recyclable, and 21% wanting them to remove plastic from packaging completely[ii].
But finding a viable, efficient and cost-effective alternative to high volume plastic packaging materials like flow wrap isn’t as simple as it sounds. Flow wrap has long been the go-to for food and non-food packaging for a reason – it’s fast, effective, recyclable and protects and preserves products, reducing damage and food waste. Plus, its environmental impact may not be as great as you think.
For producers and packers prepared to make the switch, there are options which a partner like Redpack can help you assess and implement for your business. And the good news is, you don’t need to make the switch overnight – small steps can have a huge impact too.
Can’t we just stop using flow wrap for packaging?
While plastic packaging has a bad rap, there’s a reason it’s been used for so long, particularly when it comes to food. Plastic flow wrap forms an airtight barrier that extends life and reduces food waste – an issue that is responsible for 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions from landfill[iii]. It’s thinner and lighter than rigid plastics, which makes it greener to transport, plus it’s less carbon intensive to produce than other materials like paper and cardboard. It can be easily recycled too – even though flow wrap isn’t widely collected in kerbside recycling, consumers can return it to many major supermarkets for recycling, ensuring soft plastics go back into the recycling chain.
Materials like plastic flow wrap also allow for speed and ease of production, creating efficiency for manufacturers and value for consumers, with a switch to new substrates often meaning disruption to production and potential bedding-in issues, which can have an impact on efficiency, waste and consumer experience.
What are the current alternatives to plastic flow wrap?
#1. Plastic laminates
Laminating paper with plastic can replicate some of the benefits of flow wrap, increasing durability and retaining the airtight seal needed to keep food fresher for longer. For laminated paper to be recyclable in standard UK collections, it can only be coated on one side and non-paper elements should make up no more than 5% of packaging weight[iv]. These percentages vary across different markets, up to 10% across European markets[v], but it’s likely that over time, allowable laminate percentages will decrease to ensure as little plastic as possible enters the paper recycling process.
#2. Recycled, biodegradable and compostable plastics
While consumer perception may be that plastic production and use is bad for the environment, it takes fewer raw materials and is less carbon intensive than materials like paper, cardboard, metal and glass, plus it’s one of the most widely recycled materials, with an extensive infrastructure already in place. So, using recycled and recyclable materials could be the first, simple step on your sustainable packaging journey.
There are other ways to create plastics, using natural materials like cornstarch, sugarcane and pea starch which break down much more easily than traditional plastics. Biodegradable packaging materials, such as polylactic acid (PLA) and plant-based fibres are more expensive than traditional plastics and production costs tend to be higher, but their long-term impact on the environment is less, as they break down more easily than petroleum-based plastics. They’re already familiar to eco-conscious consumers and can form a positive part of your brand strategy if communicated well. However, it’s also important to share clear instructions on disposing of bio-plastics, as disposing of them incorrectly can contaminate the recycling stream and reduce how much oil-based plastic waste is recycled.
#3. Paper and cardboard
Packaging made from paper and cardboard is nothing new but making simple swaps where removing plastic would have no negative impact on your product could be an easy way to reduce packaging use and improve brand perception (think Lego swapping plastic bags in its kits for paper ones instead).
Costs can be higher than plastics and biodegradable substrates as raw material prices can be affected by supply and demand, plus water use in production is higher, which adds another environmental impact to the mix. It’s widely recycled so easy for consumers to incorporate into their daily routine, though it is bulkier and heavier than plastic, which can affect transportation and storage cost, and increase the carbon impact of transporting your product.
With food packaging, it’s important to consider what impact a switch to paper would have on the life of your product, as food waste has a significantly higher impact on the environment than plastic production and disposal. According to global environmental campaigners WRAP, the average UK household throws away 12% of the food they buy, which equates to 18 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions and a cost per household of about £1,000 a year[vi]. That’s not to say that paper isn’t an option. If you consider lamination rules, it may be the first step on the road to reducing plastic in your packaging, while retaining the product protection benefits you’re used to with plastic and flow wrap.
Where is there innovation in alternatives to plastic packaging?
Lactips[vii]: French manufacturer Lactips has developed an innovative plastic film alternative using milk protein casein. It’s non-toxic, compostable and even dissolves in water, allowing consumers to wash packaging down the plughole without adding chemicals back into the water table.
Earthfirst[viii]: This global manufacturer focuses on producing thin-gauge compostable films for packaging made using polylactic acid (PLA) for compostable alternatives to petroleum-based plastic. The firm also focus on plastic laminates to incorporate the protection and preservation qualities of plastic to more recyclable materials.
Better Packaging[ix]: New Zealand-based business Better Packaging takes post-consumer plastics from beach clean-ups in Asia to create a range of recycled and recyclable flexible plastic packaging. It also uses plant-based plastics to create compostable tape, labels and online retail packaging.
Ecovative: This New York firm is harnessing the power of mushrooms to create compostable packaging that breaks down in home composters in 45 days. The fungi used to create the packaging grows in just seven days, and while it doesn’t have the lifespan to be used for products with long lifespans or transportation times, its 100% natural, easy to dispose of nature is likely to make it a real winner with consumers.
Why isn’t everyone switching to low or no plastic packaging now?
Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all simple switch from plastic packaging, and there are many factors preventing brands and their suppliers from taking steps forward. Food waste, product protection and brand perception are key, with bold changes having the potential to impact on the environment in new and different ways which could negate the benefits of removing plastic.
Cost is also a major barrier, from the initial outlay to switch machinery and source alternative substrates, to retailer and consumer reluctance to pay more for eco-friendly packaging on the products they buy. That’s why it’s important not to make knee-jerk reactions and instead consider packaging as part of your brand strategy, ensuring any changes are aligned with your brand personality, objectives and customer profile, to add the most value for them, and you, as possible. It could be the thing that helps you stand out and even lead the way in your market.
Who can help me explore my options?
At Redpack we design, build and maintain packaging machinery to meet your needs and can work with you to explore solutions that suit your product, budget and brand.
We aren’t tied to any one substrate and work with substrate manufacturers to make materials work on our machines, with your brief front of mind. We can work with producers and FMCG brands to test and trial new substrates and packaging solutions both before and after launch, reviewing performance in a live environment to make improvements to packaging performance and consumer experience.
We’ve already received ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System accreditation for our commitment to reducing the environmental impacts of operations and products in areas including energy use, water consumption and waste, sourcing materials and services locally to reduce carbon footprint and CO2 emissions and reducing primary material usage through the reduction, recovery, and reuse of resources, so making incremental positive changes to reduce our environmental impact is central to who we are as a business.
Ready to talk about how you can make your packaging more sustainable and efficient? Get in touch with the experts at Redpack now.
[i] Poll shows eco-conscious consumers prefer compostables to recycled plastic
[ii] 5 Major Innovative Alternatives to Overcome the Plastic Problem
[iii] The Environmental Impact of Food Waste | Move For Hunger
[v] How to increase the recyclability of paper packaging | Food Packaging Forum
[vi] Action on food waste | WRAP
[vii] Lactips – A natural polymer that’s biodegradable in aquatic environments[viii] Earthfirst Films | Compostable Packaging